Do we really need to raise voice everyday?  Does only International Girls day makes the world aware how precious Girls are ?  Everyday we come across new new incidents happening around us which has a lot to do with Girls.  Girls are growing smarter and touching the sky.  On the other hand we find lots of cases where girls are falling down as victims. If they are surrounded with the right people  saying  "let your light shine ", they gain more confidence and turns out to be the best.  On the other hand if they are neglected, come in contact with fear and darkness, fall in wrong hands, they struggle hard to see the light. 
There is discrimination and differences between male and female which still preserves around the globe.  Many still believe a son can take full responsibility of the family and carry forward the legacy and a girl child is not worth enough which has proved wrong.  Girls are always put into secondary stage right from the beginning and categorized as to be more sweeter, more softer, less talkative, more kinder, well mannered, more disciplined, very decent and when they imbibe all these qualities they are distracted by advices like how to sit, how to act, when to talk, what to do, what not to do, how to dress up, when to eat and all this is done in the presence of the other gender in mostly all the houses. Even when they go out for a job they are discriminated or given a secondary treatment because the world knows they cannot work in the field or office for late hours,  they cannot travel all alone in the night.  They need to be present with the family in the evening , they need to balance job and house together. However times have changed and girls have proved their equality and value.  If we need to generalize, Girls are quieter and have a better concentration level.  They balance their personal and professional life with equal ease and takes care of their  family reputation with caution .  

It is observed that Girls always have a dream or desire to earn for their family and  with this intention they grow up as strong women with a  powerful vision.  They are  pillars of strength for their family and are able to make rational decisions which are helpful in the long run.  They are generally optimistic and carry a positive aura around them.  It is always a question to be asked to men that if they can love their mother, their girlfriend, their wife then why can't a girl child ?  Whey they prefer a son and not a daughter?  A  man can destroy everything at the same time a girl can create or change everything.  Girls can set up themselves as idols for others.  They handle everything with grace and maturity.  Multitasking comes to them naturally. Girls are like delicate flowers which must be handled with gentle care.  They bring beautiful shades and fragrances around them when they bloom and they can make the nation gloom.  You can dress them up like boys and call them names like Beta, Sonu, Monu, Raja  which cannot be done to boys.  This itself sums up why they are so special.

We must see that our girls are not discriminated from any right,  Protect them and safeguard them from falling under wrong hands.  Educate them.  They have the right to good food, proper clothing and a safe shelter.  Let them raise their voice if wrong happens to them.  Stand with them to amplify their voices.  Let them express themselves and talk about issues that are affecting them. Let their voices be heard. Let them fight for what is rightfully theirs.  Give them equal rights.  They must be able to sit with men comfortably without fear and discuss things .  They symbolize strength, courage, determination, love, commitment and sacrifice.  Let them feel they are equally loved with the other gender. They are the spirits of our nation.



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